Happy Family Festival? Welcome to Zablocie District!

Zaproszenie na festyn

Once again we would like to invite you for the Fun Family Fest,  last before the summer holidays, which will take place this Saturday, 24-th of  June on the beach by the Lesnianka stream!
PLAN of the Festival 
Start at 2 pm - we will have a great time until 6 pm .
In the program:
- games,
- animations,
- competitions,
- bouncy castle,
- face painting,
-  salty and sweet snacks,
- music with DJ
We will also talk about interesting things which are happening in our town, how it is changing thanks to  SMART Żywiec -(r)evolution project
Beach volleyball tournament - 24 of June 2023  
Together with the Municipal Sports and Recreation Centre we invite all beach volleyball fans to take part in tournament - participation is free of charge!
Start of the game - 10.00  a.m. ! Details available at: http://www.mosir-zywiec.pl/turniej-siatkowki-plazowej-24... 
- 24 June
- 10.00 am - start of the beach volleyball tournament 
- 14.00 - start of the Festival
All at the each by the Lesnianka stream

The project "SMART ŻYWIEC-(r)evolution" is financed from funds of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget within the Local Development Program

Source URL: https://smart.zywiec.pl/aktualnosc/aktualnosci/864-happy-family-festival-welcome-zablocie-district